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Most Companies Don’t Have a Disaster Recovery Plan. But Why?

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These days, disaster recovery planning should be treated as an imperative for all businesses. But many businesses don’t have any sort of disaster recovery plan in place. Why are so many business owners neglecting this important institution? And what should you do if you don’t have a disaster recovery plan?

What Is a Disaster Recovery Plan?

A disaster recovery plan is a formalized document that dictates how your company will respond to a given disaster. Comprehensive disaster recovery plans sometimes include outlines for what to do in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency, but in this context, it usually refers to an IT disaster or cybersecurity disaster. 

In other words, what would your company do if it was the victim of a massive cyberattack?

An IT support firm can help you outline and fine-tune the details of your disaster recovery plan. Creating one entirely on your own, especially in the absence of true cybersecurity expertise, is a massive challenge. Together with your IT support firm, you’ll work on a plan that includes details on at least the following:

Why Are So Many Companies Falling Behind?

Why is it that so many companies are falling behind?

It’s (Almost) Never Too Late

Here’s the good news: it’s never too late to put together a disaster recovery plan. Well, that’s almost true. If you suffer a disaster without any plan in place, it’s arguably too late to create one. But if your business doesn’t currently have a disaster recovery plan, and you’re not currently in the middle of a disaster, then it’s not too late for you. Assembling a disaster recovery plan should become one of your top priorities.

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