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Why More Ageing Adults Are Using Social Media

Important Benefits of Social Media Marketing Every Business Should Know

Our forms of communication have evolved in recent years. While hand-written letters and documents are still sent by physical mail, we’re undoubtedly living in the age of the internet, whether you use technology in a small or large capacity.

Social media has become an essential part of the way we communicate and engage with the world around us. Businesses, for example, should be leveraging social media to promote their business and create stronger relationships with their customers.

For many seniors, the idea of social media can feel overwhelming — something they use only when they have no other option, creating a social media account for themselves or their business might strike them as being the last thing they would ever want to do. What’s important to remember is that social media can yield significant benefits no matter your age. 


You could think of the internet the way you think of a language. If you grow up speaking French, speaking it is simple and intuitive. If, by contrast, you try to learn French in adulthood, the process can be hard. Similarly, if you grew up with the internet, using it is simple and intuitive, whereas if you grew up without it, learning how to use it can feel like learning how to do rocket science. 

It takes effort for ageing adults to learn how to use the internet, and plenty of ageing adults aren’t willing to put in the effort. Learning from others can really help. Ageing adults who would like to use social media can learn by taking classes or accessing helpful resources at community colleges, community centres, and retirement residences like All Seniors Care Living Centres.

Embracing technology takes time, but it can open a world of possibilities and help you communicate with family members who live a way away. With social media you can keep up with your kids and grandkids, as they post about their lives and important milestones.

More Ageing Adults Are Using Social Media 

Plenty of ageing adults find the very idea of social media overwhelming. Why share so much about your personal life on a public platform? Why connect with friends online when you could do so in person or via snail mail? For business owners, why promote services or products through social media when you can do so the old-school way—through print and radio ads? 

Yet there are good reasons aging adults use social media for personal and business purposes, and the use of social media among these adults is increasing. In 2009, only 22% of people ages 50 and older used social media. As of last year, by contrast, half of people ages 65 and older reported using Facebook

One major reason aging adults use social media is that it helps them keep in touch with friends and family, especially younger family members, like grandchildren, who do most of their communication online. 

Final Words

For elderly business owners, using social media can greatly increase their number of customers. Today’s consumers are shopping online, in many cases, more than at traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Promoting your business on platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help you reach broader audiences and build lasting relationships with customers from all over your city and even internationally.

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