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Tips on Choosing the Right Web Hosting Company

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A business that is looking to thrive in the 21st century should never overlook the importance of having an online presence. Having an online presence is more than a static page with a free hosting solution. You need a robust hosting solution that is scalable and adaptable to your needs. You will first need to take care of the basics before you decide to move to the different aspects of growing an online business.

Working with the Wrong Web Hosting Company

According to statistics, there are more than 30,000 websites that are hacked on a daily basis. This should be a worrying sign if you’re looking to establish an online presence and you’re yet to decide on the hosting provider. There is no foolproof solution to prevent hacking but there are some web hosting companies that are more susceptible than others when it comes to online security. That is why it is imperative that you’re looking for a web hosting company that values security and makes it a priority. To avoid such problems, here are some tips that will come in handy if you’re looking for a web hosting company for your business.

Know what You Need

Before you can go out there to look for a hosting company, it is crucial you start by identifying your needs. You could be a growing business and receiving a lot of traffic. Going for shared hosting will not be the best way to go since there will be a lot of restrictions and the resources allocated might not be enough for your business. For such a case, you have no choice but to go for dedicated hosting. There are different dedicated hosting types. Your web development person could be experienced with servers for Windows but there those that also run on Linux. Whatever you choose, make sure it is sufficient enough for all the applications in the business.

Get the Right Hosting Package

This point is in line with your needs. Once you’ve identified your requirements, the next option would be to look for SSD shared hosting package that addresses them. If you’re just starting out, shared hosting will come in handy, especially if you’re on a budget. For established businesses, the solution would be to go for dedicated hosting. There is root access and control. You can customize the hardware to your requirements without having to worry about capacity issues. Even if you’re settling on shared hosting, make sure to do thorough research on the providers. There are hosting companies that are known for reliability. You can always upgrade when you feel there is a need to do so.


The web hosting industry is notorious for scams. You might think you’ve gotten yourself a good deal only to find out that you will be paying more than anticipated. Reading reviews can give you an idea of the company that you will be working with. The reviews should be taken with a grain of salt because they can be faked. The alternative would be to read the reviews from independent forums where there is no bias. If there are consistent complaints about a particular area of the hosting company, it means it is an existing problem and you’re better off looking for another company as you don’t want to up being a victim.

Don’t Look at the Price at Alone

You shouldn’t be looking at the price alone. It might be tempting to go for the cheapest web hosting company, especially when on a budget. As much as it is a cliché, you get what you pay for. You might experience downtime for the most part and the customer support will be unreachable. You could also experience challenges when trying to migrate your website to another hosting provider. That is why it is important that you’re doing the research before you decide to work with a particular web hosting company.

Customer Support

Customer support is one of the main pillars of a web hosting business. You need to look for a company that is easily accessible whenever there is an issue with your hosting account. You can test the reliability of the customer support by reaching out to them before committing to a plan. The kind of feedback you receive will give you an insight into the level of service you can expect when you work with the web hosting service. You should also try out their chat services to see if there are responsive and time you have to wait before you can reach out to customer care.