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Implementing Effective Customer Experience Mapping Plans can be Critical to Call Centre Performance


Can you recall a scenario when you bought a product, used a service, or subscribed for a membership that ended up causing you so much stress? It could be that the payment transaction kept having issues or the package you received contained the wrong order; maybe you got what you ordered, but it was malfunctioning.

When you noticed an error and went to the provider website FAQs or manual, none of the suggestions was helpful. Finally, you reluctantly decided to call their contact centre.

Whatever the case may be, the point is, your journey as a customer began way before you reached out to customer service. Despite this plain fact, many call centres assume the opposite, and that is— your journey starts as the customer care representative picks up your call.

Contact centres may meet their performance indices and carry out procedures according to industry standards, yet the customer does not get a fantastic experience. This is where customer experience mapping plans come in.

This ingenious strategy will help you gain a good grasp of how every touchpoint impacts the customer experience. Understanding their journey is critical if a brand intends to deliver a distinct, seamless experience to the customer.

How Effective Customer Experience Mapping can Boost Call Centre Performance

Customer experience mapping will enable businesses to identify a variety of issues that may arise and result in dissatisfied consumers. Let’s pretend your business offers this exact gadget. When a consumer receives one of these gadgets, there are always components missing when they open the box.

Or perhaps the box is too difficult to open without the bits flying all over the place. Various things may go wrong with this widget, causing the client to contact us for assistance.

No matter what we say as customer care representatives, we may not be able to placate this consumer and address their problem when they phone the call centre.

Your customer is unhappy because they expected their experience to buy the product and use it with complete and functional components. But now, they have to call in and waste time on a problem they played no part in causing. These issues show up on customer satisfaction and net promoter scores, more often than “the hold time was long/short.”

With customer experience mapping, you can solve these sorts of complaints. Study the entire journey your customer embarks on with your company. On the service side, how are they interacting? What does the customer experience when making a phone call to a contact centre?

Start with your interactive voice response (IVR) and evaluate every step your consumers take. Is listening to 8 alternatives before selecting or saying “one” a tiring process? For some people, this might be a severe problem. Is there a procedure that consumers must undertake that no one enjoys?

Is your routing tree making a mess of things, cutting callers off or leaving them hanging? What’s the status of your chat feature? Is chat something that only a few employees use; thus, it might take up to twenty-four hours to obtain a response?

Those aren’t the only difficulties that serve as thorns in the side of contact centres. They have little to do with the actual call centre representatives answering calls, and they have everything to do with the company’s policies, processes, and culture.

If you notice some issues with your customer service that you can’t seem to put a finger on, take a step back and draw up a customer experience mapping journey. Shed light on each touchpoint your customers interact with. Be dynamic.

What comments do agents keep receiving on calls? Are there areas beyond the call centre triggering these issues? Make a comprehensive list of all the channels your customer engages with you and tease out the problems that could arise there. This is how you arrive at answers.

Implementing Effective Customer Experience Mapping

Forget about departmental silos and think like a customer when designing and implementing a smooth and satisfying customer experience throughout your whole organization. Visualizing the entire process is essential.

Start by creating a map of typical client journeys across all online and offline channels. Each dot on the experience map represents a significant event, interaction, or point of friction that occurs throughout a customer’s engagement with your call centre.

Find Out Who Your Customers Are

Learn as much as you can about your clients, including their demographics and expectations. You must get to know your consumers on a personal level. Create a persona for your consumer so that your call centre staff can visualize who they’re dealing with. And the more information you have, the better.

Find Out Why Customers are Contacting You

After you’ve figured out who your consumers are, you’ll need to figure out where they’re coming from. Knowing why users contact you will help you manage each situation.

If a consumer is new to your brand, they will expect a basic welcome greeting followed by a few suggestions to help them through their subsequent actions. In comparison, a current customer will expect you to recognize them and be ready to assist them.

Outline How Do Your Clients Contact You?

Throughout the customer journey, people want to interact with you when and how they want. This is why having a branded omnichannel approach for your contact centre is so important.

Begin by making a list of all possible interaction points with your contact centre, including social media, sponsored advertisements, calls, emails, social media direct messages, third-party review sites, and live chat.

This is a crucial step in ensuring you have all of the information you require on how your customers engage with you.

To guarantee that your call centre operators reach clients where they are, finalize your list of contact channels and set clear communication rules for each. Live chat, for example, should be responded to within a few minutes, whereas emails should be responded to within 24 hours.

Determine What a Customer Interaction Looks Like

Every consumer encounter is an opportunity to demonstrate that your brand is deserving of devotion, and it’s an opportunity to set your company apart by providing outstanding customer service. As a result, determine what constitutes an extraordinary interaction—one that leads to a favourable outcome.

A Follow-Up to Make Sure the Interaction Was a Success

The last stage in the customer experience map is to figure out how you’ll handle each encounter while pleasing the consumer. To do so, you must collect and analyze the appropriate metrics and data to determine what works and what does not. Everything should be measured, from how effectively the agent identified the customer’s attitude to how we spoke with them.

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